Thursday, November 21, 2013

la tarea para noviembre

The homework assigned in class today was:

jueves, el 21 de noviembre: No homework! Enjoy the vacation.
Remember, you will have a quiz on pronouns and "ar" verb conjugation on Wednesday after break. If you have some time, it would be good to start studying.

martes, el 19 de noviembre: Practice Workbook pg. 37; Study the rest of the flashcards for a quiz; Also be able to answer questions like pg. 80 Act.9. Students who took Spanish 6 should also know the classroom expressions that were review from last year

viernes, el 15 de noviembre: Finish Practice Workbook pg. 36; Study flashcards (words to talk about your school day, ordinal numbers) for a quiz

miércoles, el 13 de noviembre: Finish pg. 35 in the Practice Workbook; Make flashcards for the pictures on the handout  (Page 96 in the textbook has the vocabulary expressions and the subject pronouns)