Thursday, December 19, 2013

La tarea para diciembre

The homework assigned in class today was:

viernes, el 20 de diciembre: No hay tarea; Nos vemos en enero!

lunes, el 16 de diciembre: Practice Workbook pgs. 40 and 41: Bring in $1 and candy for the piñata before Thursday

jueves, el 12 de diciembre: Tell your parents about the pinata.
Before next Thursday, please bring in $1 toward the pinata and a small bag of individually wrapped candies (no lollipops, candy canes or nuts/peanuts please)

martes, el 10 de diciembre: Study for the Chapter 2A test on Thursday; Use the Study Guide you received in class today.

miércoles, el 3 de diciembre: Prepare and practice for your oral presentation, using the directions on pg. 93; Remember that you may use 1 3X5 index card with notes to help you remember but the less you refer to it the better your grade will be.

lunes, el 2 de diciembre: Study the subject pronouns and "ar" verb conjugations for a quiz

OJO! Chapter 2A test next week!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

la tarea para noviembre

The homework assigned in class today was:

jueves, el 21 de noviembre: No homework! Enjoy the vacation.
Remember, you will have a quiz on pronouns and "ar" verb conjugation on Wednesday after break. If you have some time, it would be good to start studying.

martes, el 19 de noviembre: Practice Workbook pg. 37; Study the rest of the flashcards for a quiz; Also be able to answer questions like pg. 80 Act.9. Students who took Spanish 6 should also know the classroom expressions that were review from last year

viernes, el 15 de noviembre: Finish Practice Workbook pg. 36; Study flashcards (words to talk about your school day, ordinal numbers) for a quiz

miércoles, el 13 de noviembre: Finish pg. 35 in the Practice Workbook; Make flashcards for the pictures on the handout  (Page 96 in the textbook has the vocabulary expressions and the subject pronouns)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

La tarea para octubre

The homework assigned in class today was:

jueves, el 31 de octubre: No hay tarea!

martes, el 29 de octubre: Fiesta on Wednesday, Oct. 30!! Be sure to bring the food or beverages you signed up for. Gracias.

viernes,el 25 de octubre: Study for the Chapter 1B test on Tuesday. Use the Study Guide you filled out in class today.

miércoles, el 23 de octubre: Practice Workbook pg. 29; With your partner, write up a copy of the script for your conversation, proofread it and both sign it; Memorize your part to present on Friday

lunes, el 21 de octubre: Practice Workbook pg. 28;
Make flashcards for the expressions on pg. 70 from ¿Cómo eres? through según mi familia. You may put related expressions (i.e. le gusta / no le gusta,  el amigo / la amiga) on the same card.

jueves, el 17 de octubre: Write a diamante poem, using the one on page 59 for ideas. Include information such as: what you are like, what you are not like, what you like and don't like to do. Include extra vocabulary such as: a veces, muy, según. You may hand-write your poem or use the computer. It should be the size of a piece of printer paper. Add illustrations to go along with the words.

martes, el 15 de octubre: Study the flashcard vocabulary for a quiz, be able to use the adjectives in the correct form according to the gender of the person being described; Practice Workbook pg. 27

jueves, el 10 de octubre: Make flashcards for the vocabulary on the handouts; WAV pgs. 25 and 26

martes, el  8 de octubre: Practice Workbook pgs. 22, 23, 25

viernes, el 4 de octubre:  No homework!

miércoles, el 2 de octubre: Study for the Ch. 1A test on Friday using the Study Guide you received in class today. Here's how to say the date on Friday:
Hoy es viernes, el cuatro de octubre (del año 2013)

Monday, September 30, 2013

La tarea para septiembre

The homework assigned in class today was:

lunes, el 30 de septiembre:  Prepare for your oral presentation on Wednesday. Make a poster (the size of a piece of printer paper) according to the directions on pg. 43. Remember: the only words on your poster should be Me gusta, Me gusta mucho, No me gusta nada. Use pictures to illustrate the activities that you want to include. You can add extra vocabulary from this chapter to get a better grade. Memorize your presentation. You will use your poster to help you remember what to say.
OJO! Chapter 1A test on Friday!!! We will review after the presentations.

jueves, el 26 de septiembre: Study your flashcards from pg. 46 for a quiz; Practice Workbook pg. 20; Proofread your copy of the conversation you wrote with a partner in class today. Be ready to present your conversation orally in class. You do not have to memorize it; you may read it from your paper.

martes, el 24 de septiembre: Finish pg. 16 in the WAV Book; Practice Workbook pg. 16; Make flashcards for pg. 46
Flashcard list:

(A mí) me gusta más
A mí también
A mí tampoco
All expressions in “to ask others what they like to do”
ni …ni
pues …


lunes, el 16 de septiembre: Study the vocabulary expressions for a quiz. Know how to use them in sentences about what you like and don't like to do. Know how to write the day/date in Spanish.

jueves, el 12 de septiembre: Make flashcards for the expressions on the handout you received in class today.

martes, el  10 de septiembre: Practice Workbook pg. 15  (Be sure to look at the pictures to decide if the person does or does not like the activity); WAV Book pg. 14

viernes, el 6 de septiembre: Practice workbook pg. 13