Thursday, December 19, 2013

La tarea para diciembre

The homework assigned in class today was:

viernes, el 20 de diciembre: No hay tarea; Nos vemos en enero!

lunes, el 16 de diciembre: Practice Workbook pgs. 40 and 41: Bring in $1 and candy for the piñata before Thursday

jueves, el 12 de diciembre: Tell your parents about the pinata.
Before next Thursday, please bring in $1 toward the pinata and a small bag of individually wrapped candies (no lollipops, candy canes or nuts/peanuts please)

martes, el 10 de diciembre: Study for the Chapter 2A test on Thursday; Use the Study Guide you received in class today.

miércoles, el 3 de diciembre: Prepare and practice for your oral presentation, using the directions on pg. 93; Remember that you may use 1 3X5 index card with notes to help you remember but the less you refer to it the better your grade will be.

lunes, el 2 de diciembre: Study the subject pronouns and "ar" verb conjugations for a quiz

OJO! Chapter 2A test next week!

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